Remove the US Ambassador from Israel by Adina Katz The US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, made a number of revealing statements regarding the Biden administration’s policies towards Israel. He believes Israel’s Arab allies should be vocal in condemning the recent legalization of nine Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. (This is incitement!) He also furthered the “cycle of violence” narrative regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - creating a moral equivalency between Palestinian terror and IDF anti-terror efforts. “I spend 60% of my time trying to help the Palestinian people,” said Nides. This admission is unusual, considering that Nides is a diplomat who is ostensibly serving as the US representative to Israel, not the Palestinians. Since Biden sent approximately $1 billion to the PA and other Palestinian entities, Israeli deaths from terror attacks have risen by a staggering 900%.
Two brother, Hillel Menachem Yaniv and Yigal Yaakov Yaniv, were Killed in a terrorist shooting attack at the Huwara checkpoint. Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak As it is written in the Torah, Israel will be the king of all nations. Israel has always been a front-line defence of the West against Islamic/Arab expansion! Therefore, the only way to stop expansion of Islam to the West, as well as destruction of the democracy and our liberal values, is for Israel to set its Jewish national goal to reunite Eretz-Israel – the Promised Land as it was clearly defined in the Torah or, at least, how it was legally designated as the Jewish State by the League of Nations! In the process, Arab/Muslim enemies will be defeated militarily and morally. This will stop their advance on the West! How Foreign Governments Manipulate Israel’s Supreme Court In the last six years, 758 petitions were submitted to the Supreme Court by 32 organizations funded by foreign political entities. This is an average of more than 126 petitions each year. The total funding from foreign political entities to these organizations in those years exceeded NIS 300 million ($82 million). Rocket Barrage Targeted Southern Israel At least 6 rockets were launched from Gaza toward the city of Ashkelon. Sirens heard in Ashkelon, Sderot and other communities located near Gaza border. Five rockets were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array. In retaliation, IDF fighter jets struck a weapons manufacturing site and a naval weapons storage warehouse in the northern Gaza Strip. Both targets belonging to the Hamas. (Enemies will never stop attacking Israel until all of them are removed from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula!) Attorney-General Opposes Death Penalty Bill for Terrorists Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara says the death penalty is not a deterrent, and the bill violates Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom. The opinion also states: "The bill also raises significant difficulties in the area of human rights law in international law. The bill does not pass the tests of the limitation clause in the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, and is therefore unconstitutional." (She does not care about basic dignity and the right to live of Jewish victims of terror. Israel does not have a constitution.) Enemies Unhappy that Israel Neutralised Terrorists - Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs criticized Israel over its counterterrorism operation in the city of Shechem (Nablus), in which IDF soldiers eliminated ten terrorists, some of whom planned to carry out an attack in the coming days. “The EU deplores the death of civilians and reiterates that the use of force must be proportionate, in full respect of international humanitarian law," Borrell said. (What does a "proportionate" response mean - killing Palestinian civilians as retaliation to terrorist attacks? Do international anti-Semites, in the US and the EU, remind Hamas and Fatah about "international humanitarian law"? Do they deplore deaths of Jewish Israeli citizens?) - Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan release statements condemning Israeli raid in Nablus (Shechem), fail to mention the targets were terrorists or that troops were attacked during the arrest mission. Qatar, a major financier of the Gaza-based terror group Hamas, released a blistering statement calling the raid a “an extension of the… continuous and systemetic crimes against the Palestinian people." (Are “systematic crimes” and terror attacks against Jewish people, even in their homeland, fine?) Iran Advancing Nuclear Weapon Program The International Atomic Energy Agency announced that their monitors in Iran had detected uranium enrichment levels of 84% purity, only 6% less than the amount needed to create a nuclear weapon. IDF Military Intelligence Directorate Chief Aharon Haliva says, "The time is coming that the international community's greatest test will come into play: when Iran expresses interest in reaching 90% enrichment." (The greatest test Israel has is to be ready to neutralise the Iranian nuclear program, and help the Iranian people to remove their oppressive regime.) When “Understandings” Means Surrender to Blackmail The US pressured Israel to freeze the approval of additional construction in Judea and Samaria for several months. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to a number of concessions to the Palestinian Authority, as part of the Biden administration’s push to broker a deal between the two sides to lower tensions during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The US has secured “understandings” with Jerusalem and Ramallah, under which both Israel and the Palestinian Authority will refrain from unilateral moves over the next few months. The duration of the construction freeze and reduction in demolitions is unclear. Under the tacit agreement, the Palestinian Authority will hold off on its plans to have the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution condemning Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria. Next day after Israel surrended to the US blackmail and promised to halt settlement activity, the US joins the UN Security Council condemnation of Israeli settlements. The US typically blocks such moves, but it allowed the issue to move forward. “The statement should never have been made, and the United States should never have joined it,” the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated. (With the friend like this, who needs enemies.) Israel Exports Crude Oil to Europe Israel joined the ‘club of international oil exporters’. Israel has exported crude oil for the first time, with a shipment headed to Europe from the country’s offshore Karish gas field. In June, Israel signed a new deal with Cairo and the European Union to export natural gas to the bloc via Egypt as demand for its gas exports grows. Oman Opened its Airspace to Israel Following the Saudis, Oman, a Gulf sultanate which is traditionally ally of Iran, will open its airspace to all carriers, allowing Israeli civilians flights to cross its airspace. The head of Boeing Israel in Tel Aviv, Ted Colbert, said the company would be supplying Israel with 25 F-15IA fighter jets - the Israeli variant of the advanced F-15EX - with options for 25 more. The payload capability of the F-15EX is “unmatchable,” and combined with the range of the KC-46 refuelling planes, it would “support the long arm of Israel” to strike Iran. Israeli Owned Tanker Attacked by Iranian Again A tanker owned by an international company headed by an Israeli was targeted last week by an apparent suicide drone in the Arabian Sea. Violation of Coalition Agreement Must be Stopped The Religious Zionist Party (RZP) held an "urgent" party meeting. The meeting was called "in wake of Defense Minister (Yoav) Gallant's conduct, uprooting the grove in the Shilo Valley, that the party believes was in violation of the coalition agreements between it and the Likud, party chairman and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. The Religious Zionist Party demanded the immediate transfer of power over Israeli civilian matters in Judea and Samaria to Bezalel Smotrich. The spiralling political crisis also involved National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's Otzma Yehudit Party. (If Bibi Netanyahu wants to be remembered as a good Jewish leader, he needs to start acting as a Zionist one.) Quote of the Week: "With all the terrible moral decisions at stake, I would think that Israel will take its destiny into its hands. This situation is very similar to what existed over 50 years ago, on the eve of the Six Day War when Israel was surrounded by Arab armies. If Iran has a nuclear capability, and there's a terrorist attack from Lebanon - we go to defend ourselves and Iran is going to shoot a nuclear weapon at us. Now in 2022, the stakes in some ways are even higher. I think Israel is going to have to make some very serious and fateful decisions." - Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the US - Strikes against Iranian nuclear targets by Israel may even help to mobilize the people of Iran against their repressive regime. by Dr. Aviel Sheyin-Steven In Israel, the judiciary has established itself as superior to all other branches of the government. In 1995, Aharon Barak, President of the Supreme Court of Israel (1995-2006), decreed that “everything is justiciable,” everything can be done by judges; enabling the Supreme Court to carry out a judicial coup d’état. Israeli judges cannot be appointed or removed by the Knesset. The Judicial Selection Committee was established in 1953 to appoint all judges. The committee was intended to prevent outside political pressure; however, it serves to aid left-wing political dominance. In 1993, the Supreme Court made the “Pinchasi” ruling: Government ministers must resign if the Attorney General indicts them. Thus, transforming the Attorney General from the government’s legal advisor into the overlord of elected leaders. Justices became generals deciding what the military could do and how to do it, they became economists examining budgets and spending priorities, they became overlords examining ministers to be allowed in the cabinet or legislators to be allowed in the Knesset, they became chief rabbis examining religious matters and doctrines, etc. If Israel is to maintain its democracy, its elected officials must effect judicial reform, defeat the legal fraternity and restore to the Knesset the sole power to legislate laws. The Judicial System Failed the Jewish Identity of Israel by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed Contrary to claims, the judicial system protected the rights of the secular and anti-Zionist individual, but acted tyrannically towards the traditional and nationalist (Zionist) citizens. The legal system’s selective concern for the rights of minorities is acted upon while seriously harming the Jewish identity of the State of Israel, its security, and its ability to settle the Land. The system has protected the rights of certain types of minorities - i.e., minorities that were secular and at times anti-religious, and minorities that were not-Zionists, and at times, anti-Zionists Violating the most profound principles of freedom of expression, and respect for the Knesset and its laws, the entire judicial system was a cooperative partner in the discrimination against the Jewish, nationalist public. The story of the expulsion from Gush Katif is well known, so I will summarize it briefly. The judicial system, which expanded its authority to protect Arab homes and fields to the maximum, did not care about the individual rights of the (Jewish) deportees. In a Torah portion, we learned about the mitzvah to establish a Jewish legal system, as written: “These are the laws you shall set before them” (Exodus 21:1). At the very least, the intention is that the judicial system operate inspired by Jewish values. This principle was mentioned in the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and was given effect in the ‘Foundations of Law Act’ (1980). However, in practice, the legal system turned its back on Jewish heritage and the values of Zionism, and in their place, adopted the values of other (Jew-hating) cultures.