Jews in the Clear on Death of Christ
Barney Zwartz
For centuries, the Jews of Europe dreaded the cry
of ''Christ killers'', which preceded the rampaging mob murdering, raping and
burning of their homes, particularly the pogroms in Eastern Europe between the
1700s and World War II. Usually engineered by the government of the day to
distract the Christian majority from their own troubles, the pogroms were
whipped up from the pulpits of Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Now the verdict is official - the Jews bear no
collective responsibility for the death of Christ. Pope Benedict XVI yesterday
became the first Pope to contradict personally the teaching of Jewish ''blood
guilt'', releasing excerpts from a book to be published soon. (But not official Vatican ruling!)
teaching, used to justify and perpetuate hatred culminating in the murder of 6
million Jews in the Holocaust, was formally rebutted by the 1960s Vatican
Council. The Pope wrote that the condemnations of Jesus Christ came from the
"aristocracy of the temple" in Jerusalem and from the
"masses" who acclaimed Barabbas instead of Jesus - not from "the
Jewish people as a whole". (Why the fact that
the New Testament were commissioned by Romans, the ruling power over Judea and
Samaria, and the fact that it was not ‘convenient’ for them to admit that they
were the killers of their own ‘Savior’! He was one of a hundred of thousands of
other rebellious Jews killed by Romans! For centuaies Christians were
discouraged to read and study the Bible, even the New Testament, where Jesus
clearly prophesized his own death and ordered Judas to betray him!
Luke 22 – Last Supper:
16. For I tell you
now that I won't eat it again until it comes to fulfillment in the Kingdom of
God." – (Prediction of his own demise)
21. "But
here at this table, sitting among us as a friend, is the man who will betray
me. 22. “For I, the Son of Man, must die since it is part of God's plan.
But how terrible it will be for my betrayer!" – (Still “Friend!” – whom Jesus would later ask to go and commit an
act of betrayal, in order to fulfill his own prophecy. And, he is sorry for the
burden he put on Judas by his order!)
36. "But
now," he said, "take your money and a traveler's bag. And if you
don't have a sword, sell your clothes and buy one!” – (He was inspiring rebellion against Romans by setting himself as
a matter!)
37. “For the time
has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled: 'He was counted among
those who were rebels.” Yes, everything written about me by the prophets will
come true." – (He made sure that self-fulfilled
prophecy is fulfilled by ordering Judah, treasurer of the group – the most
trusted of his disciples, to commit act of betrayal – see John 13:26-31!)
Food for Thought. by
Steven Shamrak
When Kofi Anan was replaced by Ban Ki Moon as
UN Secretary-General, there was a moment of hope that a
‘new broom’ would sweep the floor of the UN and deal with corruption and bias
attitudes and trim this overgrown ‘Useless Nothing’. Has anything changed?
There is still the same idiotic waste of time and resources on stupid
resolutions and inaction where the UN interference is needed, like Libya. It is
time to close this corrupt ‘cash cow’ and political forum of international
Not so Black and White Policy
President Obama
said he supported a national dialogue initiative led by Crown Prince Salamn bin
Hamad al-Khalifa in Bahrain. At the same time the White House is condemning
what it calls and an "organized intimidation campaign" by the Iranian
government against opposition leaders. (Bahrain is a
doorway to Saudi Arabia. The Obama administration does not care about the
democracy it ‘cherishes’ so much, or abuse of the human rights by tyrrants
throughout the Muslim world. The main goal of selective and inconsistant policy
is to secure the flow of oil to the US - anti-Israel bias is just a tool!)
Deluded ‘Peacenicks’
Must Understand “NO” Means No!
In response to reports that Israel is
considering a temporary long-term solution in light of the Palestinian
Authority's refusal to negotiate with Israel, a PLO official says
"No" to all such ideas. We have strictly rejected all Israeli and
non-Israeli offers that call on the establishment of a Palestinian state with
temporary borders. The PLO has also affirmed its refusal of all interim and
partial solutions” said Saleh Raafat, a member of the PLO executive committee. (Arabs are
not interested in peace, especially with Israel. Destruction of Israel, as the
first step to global domination of Islam is their goal!)
Anti-Semitic Liars
Must Pay
An historic class
action suit has been filed against former President Jimmy Carter and the Simon
& Schuster publishing company alleging that Carter's book, Palestine: Peace
Not Apartheid, contained numerous false and knowingly misleading statements
intended to promote the author's agenda of anti-Israel propaganda and to
deceive the reading public instead of presenting accurate information as
Shooter is Muslim
The gunman suspected of killing US airmen
outside the Frankfurt is a devout Muslim who works at the airport. He was born
and raised in Germany after his parents moved there from Kosovo about 40 years
Use them up and Dump them Later
The French foreign minister, Michele
Alliot-Marie, was fired Sunday because of a Christmas vacation spent at a
resort in Tunisia while the country was caught up in a crescendo of violent
protests. But now, France is moving quickly to side with the forces trying to
overthrow the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, sending planes with aid
and doctors to eastern Libya. (The love for oil trumps the US and European
love for democracy! They foster Arab dictators, old or currently emerging ones,
disregarding the human cost for oil.)
Hamas 'Banking' at Gunpoint
Hamas's interior ministry tried to cash
bad cheques and was joined by Hamas police officers who threatened to use their
weapons when bank personnel refused. Hamas forces stormed into banks in Gaza
twice last week and demanded money at gunpoint, making off with a total of
$350,000. Leaders of the terrorist group declared that they were “protecting
the Palestinian people's money.” A similar incident took place in June, when
Hamas police stole $16,000 at gunpoint after the PA froze funds.
US Weighs
Illegal Hit-and-run Raids on Libya
The US is repositioning its naval and air
forces around Libya, Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan stated on Monday,
February 28, indicating possible military steps to break the standoff between
Muammar Qaddafi's army and rebel forces. (Libya is an independent country. The
rebellion is an internal matter. Therefore, under international law, there
should be no interference from outside powers! There are many ‘made dog’ rulers
in the Islamic world. Why not remove them all - in Saudi Arabian, Iran, UAE etc…?)
Quote of the Week:
“The Kuril Islands that Russia took from
Japan in 1945 are still an irritant in relations between the two countries.” – Koenigsberg
city, Eastern Prussia, is still occupied by Russia. It is called Kaliningrad
now. Why are international heart-bleeding anti-Semitic liberals not ‘outraged’
by this fact?
Should be Creating Peace in the Mideast?
Have you noticed that the world
is not designed for letting people live and let live in peace with mutual
respect? The very nature of life is
tension and strife that arises out not just for the needs for basic survival
(food, clothing, shelter, sex) but also out of other innate drives such as a
desire for power and control. Cruelty,
meanness, chronic lying, deceitfulness, greed etc. rule. Cooperation and working for one’s mutual
benefit does exist at all levels of society but only within restricted
The US President, Barack Obama
told a delegation of Jewish leaders that Israel must create a context for peace
with the Palestinians. President Obama said that Israel must use its military,
political and cultural strength to create this climate in order to move forward
towards peace talks.
Why does it that Obama (and
others) always put the onus on Israel to do things? Obama is just continuing the the world's antisemitic tradition.
When other nations win wars, it is the loser who sues for peace. Israel is a country that cannot afford to
lose any war. Its very existence
depends on winning. A single loss would
lead to its complete destruction and the death of its Jewish citizens and life
for Jews throughout the world would then become very precarious. The above truth is concluded from analyses
of writings and sayings of virtually all the recent past and current Arab
political and religious leaders.
After every war, Israel has
returned to her enemies conquered territory and still there is no peace. The closest is the fake peace with Egypt and
Jordan. Why is there no comparable
pressure being exerted on the artificially made up group of people called ‘Palestinians?’ Why should they not have to create a climate
of peace?
Why can the Arab/Muslims and
‘Palestinians’ keep going to war against Israel and suffer no
consequences? Because fellow Muslims
have oil and the West needs it? Why can
the Arab/Muslims keep calling for the destruction of Israel and the death of
all Jews but Israel has to create the climate of peace? Have we entered the world of the surreal?
It is about time that this
vicious cycle of hate on the part of the Arab/Muslims is broken. It is time to put the onus on the real
people who have to create the climate of peace - The Arabs/Muslims.
The US and Western nations have
not learned, and do not understand that only
Arab/Muslim respect is strength and cruelty. The cultural-religious war between Islam and the West is ongoing
and does not seem to have an end in sight.
We have already heard that many Egyptians want to terminate the peace agreement with Israel - but, when they do that, I bet that they will not return the Sinai Peninsula with all the Israeli developed oil fields back to Israel. The world is in turmoil and no one has a clue (or willing to find out) as to how it is going to turn out. One can only dream and hope.