One or Four States Solution.

by Steven Shamrak

After the WW1, following the collapse of Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations, in order to facilitate the transition to independent states, created many mandate governed areas in the Middle East and the Central Asia. As a result the countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and others were created. The same principle was intended for the creation of a Jewish state when the United Kingdom (UK) was given a guardianship of the Palestinian Mandate.

Almost immediately, the UK made a deal with the Arabs and Egypt, and as a result, 77% of the land that was designated for the Jewish state was illegally cut off to create Jordan and additional 5% to Syria from the Golan Heights. That is when the modern Arab-Israel conflict actually began!

Recently, a new Islamist order has been emerging in the Gaza Strip. Not long ago the Hamas Executive Force took control over Gaza. As a result the two-state solution, which was so eagerly promoted by ‘friends’ of Jews and by self-hating Jews lately, became a totally discredited fantasy! As a result, there are only two options remaining viable at the moment:

1. Creation of four states on Jewish land: Israel, Jordan, Fatahstan in Judea and Samaria and Hamastan in Gaza.

2. Establishment of one Jewish state on all Jewish ancestral land. (The non-Jewish population residing in the land of the Palestinian Mandate can be easily integrated by the neighbouring Muslim countries or a new state can be formed in Sinai Peninsula later.) This option has never been given a chance!

There is another one-state solution. Enemies of the Jews, not just Arabs, have been working on it before and since creation of the Palestinian Mandate and definitely since the declaration of independence by Israel. It is One Muslim State without Jews! Would you prefer this option? Many Jew-hates do!

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Many Jewish publications have been eagerly promoting opinions about a Two-state solution or the Transfer control of Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza to Jordan, as the only alternatives to Arab-Israel conflict.

The limited autonomy of the Arab population in Gaza and the West bank, the original intention of the Olso Agreement has completely forgotten. They absolutely ignore, block and discredit as extremist views the original plan of the League of Nations – the creation of a Jewish homeland in the Palestinian Mandate, including the Trans-Jordan.

Why is the idea of giving up Jewish land to enemies, whose goal is complete destruction of the state of Israel, not considered radical, but advocating the rights of Jewish people to the land of their ancestors is?

No wonder that with this type of coverage by the Jewish press, in addition to the global anti-Israel propaganda by main-stream press, Jews have started to believe that we have no other choice!

Jews and the public in general are deprived of correct information and facts. They are brainwashed by, politically motivated, often leftist self-hating traitors who have infested the Jewish press and other Jewish organizations! The absence of true Zionist leadership in Israel and the Diaspora is the major contributor to our problems!

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For some sinister reason, the international press, guided by hypocritical international, political and business interests is portraying Fatah as a moderate alternative to Hamas. People have forgotten the killing of the Israelis athletes during the Munich Olympic games and string of plane and ship hijackings perpetrated by Fatah in the past. The existing endless suicide bombings and the barrages of Qassam rocket and shells sent toward Israel by the military wing of Fatah are ignored or played down.

In reality there is no difference between Hamas, Fatah or any other so-called Palestinian organization. For quite a while the Palestinian National Charter - the official PLO doctrine - has not been checked.  Make a decision yourself if this is a "moderate" organization which accepts a two state solution, recognizes Israel and rejects violence and terrorism.

Article 2: Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit. - This is in line with the League of Nations resolution for Palestinian mandate as the land was allocated for the Jewish state and it did include Jordan!

Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase…

Article 10: Commando action constitutes the nucleus of the Palestinian popular liberation war…

During the last 56 years, all peace options, except for a Jewish one, have been tried many times! They produce only an escalation of violence and terror, not just for Jews but for Arabs as well. One solution – the Jewish state, as it was designated by League of Nations, on the Jewish ancestral land is the only option that can bring peace and end to the conflict. Why is it systematically ignored? Why is the creation of Eretz-Israel considered as extreme, but the facilitation of Israel’s destruction, through giving up Jewish land to enemies, not?